2023 Annual Report
Where did the money come from, where did the money go.
Kiwix 3.8 for Android is out!
Major release that fixes a range of bugs!
Kiwix Content Update #2
What's new at Kiwix.
Kiwix is tech – but how much does our tech stack cost (in 2023)?
Turns out that our offline service uses lots of online services.
Mimi Na Tehama: Inside the Dunia Salama Foundation’s Tech-Savvy Movement
The Dunia Salama Foundation is on a mission to bridge the digital divide among Tanzanian children. Named after the Swahili words for ‘Safe World,’ the foundation has launched the ‘Mimi Na Tehama‘ (‘I and IT’) project to equip young minds with essential digital skills, opening doors to knowledge and opportunities. In many parts of the...read more
Wiki loves Folklore
A small part of our job is to support Wikimedia Foundation user groups with their accounting (we act as fiscal sponsors, meaning that we lend them our non-profit status so that they can lead their activities and we take care of the paperwork). Among the folks we are happy to help are the Wiki loves...read more
Kiwix Content Updates #1
Number Uno – 22 August 2023 – Quarterly(-ish) New content available for download at Kiwix The CIA world factbook – background info on every country in the world. LINK Army Publishing Directorate – the US Army’s centralized publication system (form, manuals, etc.). LINK Bibliothèque numérique romande (in French): 22,808 free ebooks. LINK All Android...read more
Improved file/folder picking for Firefox and upgrade of UWP app
Kiwix JS PWA and Electron / NWJS / UWP apps for Linux and Windows are now at version 2.5.6. These apps Features: Greatly improved file and folder picking experience for Firefox users and for any browser or framework that supports the Webkitdirectory API. The app now has the ability to pick a folder of ZIM archives in...read more
Digitizing to Preserve a Museum’s Heritage Legacy
Education is the cornerstone of progress. Making it available offline supports this mission.
Kiwix4Schools mentorship Q&A, June 9, 2023
The event took place over Zoom, everything went smoothly thanks to the ever-efficient Ruby (seconded by Eugene and Jael). This hour-long meeting turned to 90 minutes of discussions, which is testament to the participants enthusiasm (and their need for answers. Took down some notes while questions were flying, putting them here for posterity (and in...read more