Kiwix for Desktop v2.4 is out!
A new release of Kiwix for Desktop (Windows/Linux) is now available for download. More than 200 tickets were closed over the past seven months, so it’s kind of a big deal. General FIX: Fullscreen (auto-)scrolling FIX: Main window title at start FIX: Proper fullscreen shortcut when run on WSL FIX: Settings directories display FIX: more
Richard Stallman à Lausanne le 17 janvier 2025
Le Dr. Richard Stallman, figure emblématique du mouvement du logiciel libre et fondateur de la Free Software Foundation, sera à Lausanne le 17 janvier prochain dans les locaux de l’école 42 Lausanne. Lors de cet événement unique, il animera une conférence dédiée au « Coût de la liberté » (The Cost of Freedom), sujet more
WikiHow content has been deprecated
TL;DR: the WikiHow zim files have been deleted and there are no plans to bring them back. The longer story is that the WikiHow folks reached out around the end of 2024 asking for their removal. Their content is apparently being harvested left and right by LLMs for their training, and they are trying more