Kiwix for Desktop v2.4 is out!
A new release of Kiwix for Desktop (Windows/Linux) is now available for download. More than 200 tickets were closed over the past seven months, so it’s kind of a big deal. General FIX: Fullscreen (auto-)scrolling FIX: Main window title at start FIX: Proper fullscreen shortcut when run on WSL FIX: Settings directories display FIX: more
One Simple Tool is Transforming Schools in Ghana
Have you wondered how many people will spend 24.44% of their income on 1G of data? Your guess is as good as mine
Open-source is transparency!
We have just released Kiwix-desktop 2.2.0, fixing as usual a number of bugs. Such is software development. What’s interesting, however, is to look how the project has grown since the first grant from the Wikimedia Foundation, when we told them about building Kiwix 2.0 at the end of 2017. And because Kiwix’ code is more
Thaki gives a new life to your old computers
Does your company have end-of-cycle computers that they would like to donate? if the answer is yes, then do reach out the Thaki folks at once so that these machines can get a second life in Lebanon and the Levant! Thaki brings digital literacy skills to kids across the country. It empowers refugee and more
Here’s what impact looks like
We've never met Ross Patrick, yet he has decided that Kiwix-desktop was what was needed in Benin for people dealing with high data costs and poor connectivity. Now he's evangilizing the country on his spare time.
Offline connectivity in Ghana: How they do it
Maxwell Beganim is an Educator at the Tertiary and Secondary level. He is also a Wikipedian, a member of Open Foundation West Africa and wanted to train students on Open Knowledge. But he needed a solution to a long standing problem of connectivity in the region. How can you do Digital Literacy trainings without more
State of the Kiwi
Here is a broad update of where we stand in terms of technology for the project. First, the chart below summarizes broadly our tech stack and may or may not help you navigate what follows: Overall Kiwix is healthier than ever, with about 30% more code contributors, releases, tickets closed, etc. than last year. more
How to report a bug
Issues -whether they’re actual bug reports or feature requests- are the basics of any software improvement. Developers must be able to clearly identify the problems that are brought to them before they can attempt to improve things. Why report an issue? Well, it looks like something is not working properly on your app. You more
Kiwix-desktop 2.0.3 release notes
Hi everyone, short but important release to the Desktop version of Kiwix. Fixes: Updated logo (looks better if you are in night mode); Use new threadsafe api of kiwix-lib to do suggestions search. Kiwix for desktop can be downloaded here if you are using Windows, and there for the Linux binaries.
Let’s turn this MVP into an M.V.P.
After many a release versions, Kiwix-desktop 2.0 is finally out: you can download it here! There’s a lot of improvements from the earlier, older 0.9 version (yes, we never had a 1.0), and we wish it to have as long and successful a career as its ilustrious predecessor. It’s a great product, has all more