Richard Stallman à Lausanne le 17 janvier 2025
Le Dr. Richard Stallman, figure emblématique du mouvement du logiciel libre et fondateur de la Free Software Foundation, sera à Lausanne le 17 janvier prochain dans les locaux de l’école 42 Lausanne. Lors de cet événement unique, il animera une conférence dédiée au « Coût de la liberté » (The Cost of Freedom), sujet more
About last week’s outage
TL;DR: if you need a cloud service you may want to avoid Hetzner. The longer story: On Sunday the 1st of December, at 00:00 (UTC), our main storage backend became entirely unreachable. For the average user that meant not being able to access the library and download files, and for us that meant not more
All downloads will be down until Wednesday 4 December 1800 UTC
Some of you may have noticed that Kiwix downloads are down. Our hosting service pulled the plug without any warning at 00:00 on Sunday, December 1st. Though there is some irony to the fact that an offline service is going offline for real, we were not amused. Long story short, we have purchased new more
Wikipedia offline is being revamped – status update
There’s been questions here and there asking why Wikipedia/the Wiktionary haven’t been updated in a while. It’s been mentioned in the newsletter already but this post is more of an evergreen place and it does not hurt to spread the word. As the title says, we are currently in the process of rewriting the more
Leaving X / Twitter
This place is no good, we outta here.
How to keep your Raspberry Pi 5 cool
Quick how-to for people who like us struggled with figuring this box out.
Kiwix Content Update #4
What's new at Kiwix.
2023 Annual Report
Where did the money come from, where did the money go.
Check us out
Are Kiwix' service online? You can now see for yourself.
Google Summer of Code projects selected!
Three students, three projects.