A new release of Kiwix for Desktop (Windows/Linux) is now available for download. More than 200 tickets were closed over the past seven months, so it’s kind of a big deal.
FIX: Fullscreen (auto-)scrolling
FIX: Main window title at start
FIX: Proper fullscreen shortcut when run on WSL
FIX: Settings directories display
FIX: More informative file-not-found page
FIX: UI padding/margin improvements
FIX: Stop crashing if ZIM file is somehow invalid
FIX: Support of RTL
FIX: Improve support of high-density screens
FIX: Launching from a network drive on Windows
FIX: App icons
FIX: Scrollabel Settings tab
FIX: Bookmarks sidebar look & feel
CHANGE: Non-standart boomark icon changed to standard “star” and adding tooltip
CHANGE: Bookmarks sidebar shortcut to Ctrl+B
CHANGE: Simplify & improve handling of portable version
NEW: Support of Qt6
NEW: Handle Win+Arrow shortcuts on Windows
NEW: Handle Ctrl+F4 and Ctrl+w tabs related shortcuts
NEW: “Random Article” button
NEW: Remember the current directory path to pen file over restart
NEW: Block any resource required within a ZIM page
NEW: Remember window position over restart
NEW: Implement the “Home” button
NEW: import/export bookmarks
NEW: Support of IPv6 in server and improve IP propositions
NEW: Table of content sidebar
NEW: Text to Speech tool
NEW: Open PDF files in ZIM via PDF reader
FIX: Buggy tab closing fixed
FIX: Keep sidebars open by switching tabs
NEW: Remember (current) tabs over restart
FIX: Keep vertical position after exiting find-in-page
FIX: Proper search bar focus shortcuts: F6, Ctrl_I, Alt + d, …
FIX: Fulltext search result handling
FIX: Improve handling of bookmark button in searchbar
NEW: Endless suggestion list
NEW: Pressing ENTER in the searchbar opens first suggestion
NEW: New search book chooser
FIX: Book downloader stability
FIX: Properly check first if ZIM file can be saved to target filesystem
FIX: More informative message if lack of space to download
FIX: Detection of clicks on download control buttons
FIX: Smarter/robuster directory monitoring… for ZIM files
CHANGE: Moving library freetext search box to the sidebar
CHANGE: Dynamicaly populated library language & category filter
CHANGE: Library revamping using Qt
NEW: Library double-click opening a book
NEW: Translated category label
NEW: New Library “Open folder” button
NEW: Allow moving files to trash
NEW: Switch automatically to online library if no local book
NEW: Remember library filter values over restart
NEW: Added ContextMenu Button for Previewing Online Books
FIX: Better handle libzim and libkiwix dependencies
FIX: PPA publishing workflow
FIX: Improve header includes order
FIX Many fixes around Appimage version
CHANGE: Use latest libkiwix
NEW: Enable compilation on WSL
CHANGE: Proper documentation about where data are saved (see https://github.com/kiwix/kiwix-desktop/wiki/Data-and-Configuration-Files)