Voice of America’s Learning English is a Youtube channel with over 1.6M subscribers and whose sole purpose is to help people learn (American) English. And as for all content developed by US civil servants, it is in the Public Domain.
For the past couple of years Kiwix has run a Youtube-specific scraper that allows it to copy entire channels or individual playlists and package them into .zim files that can be accessed offline.
Today is VoA’s turn to reach new audiences, with no less than eight new zim files available as of today for download (and free learning):
- How to Pronounce
- Let’s Teach English
- Let’s Learn English (Lvl. 1 & Lvl. 2)
- News Literacy
- Everyday Grammar TV
- Word of the Day
- English in a Minute.
A few of the videos available on Everyday Grammar.
The scraper is now on our zimfarm, meaning that we will automatically update each and every file. You can download these directly on the Android or deskop (Windows or Linux) apps, or even play them from your Kiwix hotspot!